Catholic Classics
Learn from the Catholic Church's greatest saints as teachers as you are led through classic Catholic spiritual writings.
We found 10 episodes of Catholic Classics with the tag “saints”.
Day 4: Forming Good Habits (The Confessions of St. Augustine)
October 5th, 2023 | 21 mins 28 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
As we wrap up Book 1, St. Augustine completes his narration of early boyhood. He discusses his continued downward slope into sin and error. Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk share how God is always ready to receive us when we are ready to surrender to his mercy. They explain the importance of forming good habits in ourselves and in our children. Today’s readings are Book 1, Chapters 17-20.
Day 3: Baptism and the Fruits of Learning (The Confessions of St. Augustine)
October 4th, 2023 | 25 mins 26 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
As we continue learning about St. Augustine’s early childhood, he questions why his Baptism was deferred and connects this to his struggles with vice. We learn that sacraments are sources of grace, aiding us in sanctification. St. Augustine explains his distaste for studying and reading Greek literature. Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk explore the effects of books and media, noting that what we consume affects what we pursue. Today’s readings are Book 1, Chapters 11-16.
Day 2: The Role of Original Sin (The Confessions of St. Augustine)
October 3rd, 2023 | 23 mins 53 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
St. Augustine begins an overview of his infancy and childhood. Here, he reflects on the many relationships in his life both familial and peer. As he describes these relationships, St. Augustine also ponders the roots of disobedience and vice that he sees growing in himself at this point in his life. This requires us to consider the role of Original Sin in our lives. Are the effects of Original Sin even tangible in young children? Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk explore these topics and questions in today’s episode. Today’s readings are Book 1, Chapters 7-10.
Day 1: Who Is God? (The Confessions of St. Augustine)
October 2nd, 2023 | 26 mins 18 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
How can God be known? This is how St. Augustine begins Book 1 of Confessions. He ponders the existence of God and God’s knowability. St. Augustine also wrestles with the question of how and why God loves us. He then introduces us to God through prayer and praise. Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk support St. Augustine’s conclusion that we are, in fact, made for God. Today’s readings are Book 1, Chapters 1-6.
Bonus Episode: Introduction to Book 1 (The Confessions of St. Augustine)
October 2nd, 2023 | 16 mins 33 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
Who is God and how can experience his salvation? These two questions are St. Augustine’s primary focus in Book 1 of the Confessions. Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk give us an overview of the themes and topics St. Augustine will explore in the upcoming chapters of Book 1.
An Introduction to St. Augustine and the Confessions
September 14th, 2023 | 26 mins 44 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
Who is St. Augustine? Why did he write the Confessions? The answers to these questions will help you as you prepare to begin Season 2 of Catholic Classics: The Confessions of St. Augustine. Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk offer a broad overview of St. Augustine’s life and faith journey. They also explain what the Confessions is about and what you can expect as you begin reading.
5 Tips for Building a Spiritual Reading Habit
August 21st, 2023 | 17 mins 49 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
Reading spiritual classics can be intimidating. We desire to do it well, but what does that look like? Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk share five tips to help you build a habit of spiritual reading. These practical tips will not only help you build a habit of spiritual reading, but they will help you do it well.
Announcing Season 2 of Catholic Classics
August 2nd, 2023 | 2 mins 35 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
A new season of Catholic Classics is starting this fall! We are so excited to announce that for this season of Catholic Classics, we will be reading The Confessions of St. Augustine. You can download the reading plan and order your copy of The Confessions of St. Augustine at
Day 43: Conclusion: How Do I Go Forth? (Introduction to the Devout Life)
December 5th, 2022 | 22 mins 43 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
We have arrived at the final episode! In these last chapters, St. Francis de Sales reminds us to be practical in our resolutions, not to be deterred in seeking the Devout Life, and finally, to be bold in our pursuit of Christ. Fr. Gregory and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand highlight that to follow this wisdom, we cannot underestimate the importance of courage in the Christian life.
Day 42: Considerations When Moving Onward (Introduction to the Devout Life)
December 4th, 2022 | 24 mins 4 secs
ascension, catholic, catholic church, catholic classics, catholic faith, catholic spiritual reading, catholic spirituality, catholicism, classic text, devout life, dominicans, faith, father gregory pine, father jacob bertrand, fr gregory pine, fr jacob bertrand, intro to devout life, introduction to the devout life, prayer, saints, spiritual reading, spiritual writings, spirituality, st francis de sales
To strengthen our resolve in pursuing the Devout Life, Saint Francis de Sales offers 5 meditations on the excellence of our souls, the greatness of virtues, the example of the saints, and the eternal love that comes from both Jesus and God the Father. Fr. Gregory and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand assure us that God will faithfully give us what we need to continually transform our lives and draw closer to his divine life.